Pro Ghostwriter

And Copywriter

For Hire

I’ve written over 100 books and countless articles. I've helped many 6 figures businesses increase sales by using my text. I have over 100 5-star ratings on Fiverr. I'm a self-published author and a professional writer since 2008.

Where To Find A Ghostwriter For My Book?

Where To Find A Ghostwriter For My BookIf you are looking to hire a ghostwriter but have no idea where to start, this is the article for you.

I’m Cornel Manu, a ghostwriter with over a decade of experience and more than 100 bestsellers written for my clients.

Ghostwriters are paid writers that will help you with articles, books, or any other type of content and will not ask for credit. The work delivered by a ghostwriter is 100% yours and you can publish it in your name.

It is perfectly legal to hire a ghostwriter and it’s a profession as old as writing. Famous authors such as Tom Clancy and Alexandre Dumas have used ghostwriters to get their books finished and become bestsellers.

Why shouldn’t you do the same?

Ghostwriters bring a lot of experience with them and have the talent necessary to craft a bestseller. Because great books have a certain formula that needs to be followed. Great ideas don’t deliver great books if not executed properly.

You save a lot of time and hassle when you hire a ghostwriter. You can get a book ready to publish in 30-50 days, compared to months or years if you do it yourself.

So, where do you find high-quality freelance ghostwriters to help you with your book?

Here are my best top suggestions.


  1. Google

Google is always your best friend. Freelance ghostwriters with experience and skill have websites with portfolios and reviews that can be found online.

Writers with a lot of experience transition from freelancing platforms and create their websites. Why? Because they don’t have to pay 20% commission anymore, and you get the freedom of expanding your services worldwide.

Every good writer has a website with a portfolio to promote their services. Simple as that.

In fact, the lack of a website can indicate that you are dealing with a scammer or someone that doesn’t have a lot of experience. Websites create a presence online (I bought my website in my name) that can be verified online. My clients leave reviews for my website on TrustPilot. Someone that doesn’t have a website can’t collect transparent reviews.

That’s why most scammers online don’t have a website. They share a portfolio on Medium or Google Drive, something anyone can do. They just have some social media profiles that can be deleted and they recycle the scam all over again.

Websites are traceable and they are always bought with a name. Like buying a house. But social media profiles can be created using VPNs and therefore scammers can vanish with ease.

Therefore finding ghostwriters with websites is THE BEST way to find ghostwriters.

All you need to do is look for “your main topic” + “ghostwriter” to get plenty of results.

I know, you’ll have to dig through the abundance of freelancing platforms that advertise generic pages, but you’ll manage to find them.

Check out my page Ghostwriting Service to get an idea of how a professional website from a ghostwriter should look like.


  1. Facebook

Another great way to find a ghostwriter is by looking at Facebook pages. Freelance ghostwriters create Facebook pages that accompany their online presence.

Here’s my Facebook page to get an idea.

Make sure that they also have a website linked to their Facebook page.

You can also find plenty of ghostwriters in ghostwriting groups. However don’t take for granted what you find there because admins can’t vet the writers that post on groups, and therefore that’s not a guarantee of quality.


  1. Freelancing platforms

The last method you can try to find ghostwriters is by going to freelancing platforms. From Upwork to Fiverr and Freelancer, there are plenty to choose from.

However, keep in mind that finding a writer on a freelancing platform does not guarantee you are getting what you paid for. Profiles can be rigged with fake reviews and some popular writers on freelancing platforms outsource their work.

You don’t want to pay for a skilled writer to get outsourced work that is paid peanuts.

There are plenty of scams on freelancing platforms as well.


These are the top methods of finding a ghostwriter for your book.

But how do you vet your ghostwriters?

How can you identify which one is skilled and will deliver quality work and which one is going to send you cheap content bought with pennies from 3rd world countries?

I understand the ghostwriting world might seem daunting and that’s why I wrote the article 7 Ways To Protect Yourself When Hiring A Ghostwriter. It’s a great guide for anyone looking to hire a ghost.

Please have a read on it even if you hired a ghostwriter before. There are scammers out there; you’d want to avoid falling into their traps and losing a lot of money.

Where you find freelance ghostwriters is less important than how to protect yourself when hiring one. Keep in mind that no freelancing platform can guarantee your safety and you need to vet your ghostwriters no matter where you find them.


I hope this article was useful in regards to how to find a qualified freelance ghostwriter for your project. If you are still looking for one, find out what I can do for you on my page Ghostwriting Service.

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