Pro Ghostwriter

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I’ve written over 100 books and countless articles. I've helped many 6 figures businesses increase sales by using my text. I have over 100 5-star ratings on Fiverr. I'm a self-published author and a professional writer since 2008.

Stephen King's Ghostwriters

Are you here wondering if Stephen King used ghostwriters for any of his books?

There is a lot of speculation online regarding this subject.

However, the answer will never be known unless Stephen King acknowledges it himself, and so far the writer dismissed the claims. Ghostwriters sign an NDA contract and they are not allowed to share this kind of information.

For example, if I would be one of Stephen King’s ghostwriters, I wouldn’t be able to say it publicly.

However, I want to say that it’s very common in the world of famous authors to hire ghostwriters. Even if the author you like has a distinct voice and writing style, a talented ghostwriter can replicate that thanks to years of experience in the field.

Plenty of famous books have been written using ghostwriters from all types of genres, from spellbinding teen action to vampire romance that is too cheesy to be true or horror books that you’d be scared to read alone.

Yer a ghostwriter, Harry!

yer a ghostwriter Harry

Sorry to disappoint your internet search, but this question might go down in history as one of the world’s greatest mysteries.


Ok, let’s see what other brilliant minds from the internet have to say about it. This will be fun.

“I split his books by on cocaine and post cocaine. There is a definite difference there.” -

“It would be so great though if Stephen King of all people had a "ghost" writer, like an actual ghost.” -

“If King has a ghost writer, he's hired one that has the same "tells" that King does.[..] he's got a big blind spot when it comes to technology. […] His alleged ghostie pal seems to have all the signs of being an aging writer who doesn't care for or know about how computers, the internet, cell phones, etc. work.” -



If Harry Potter memes or Twilight allusions are not your things, would you be interested in a ghostwriting service instead? It’s just as magic, you say the incantation and *poof* a book.

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